I'm happy right now ^^ .

Main Idea From Chapter One, Mark Saltzman share about his Journey to go back to America but he got disturbed by some police officer whose checking people staffs. Then, he met somebody he known for a year and he helped him to get through that situation.
From chapter 3, He talks about the facts of world war two and the conditions surrounding the dropping of the atom bomb on Japan. Explain that China was our ally during the war. It is easy to consider the positive attitude toward the dropping of the atom bomb, however, It's show this event negatively.
Something that I've learned from IRON AND SILK.
this story has some effect to me. especially, I came to The US which place and culture is new for me. I've to get used to and get ready for everything that going to happen to me in the future. mark, He is a brave guy, he has experience and also overcome homesick when he went to China. And when someone gave him some advices, he always listen and follow it. I think after read this story. It gave me some ideas like I've to follow something good and new for me or you've to fight if you want to become a success person.
The person whom I want to introduce
The one whom I want to introduce is Dr. LI. Dr. LI, he's a nice and helpful person. He taught him a lot and told him something about WUSHI, teacher WU encouraged him to travel that gives experience.

My niche is a aow ma now. It's a beach in my country.
It's in south of Thailand. It's very beautiful. A lot of foreigners went there a lot.
In winter time its hot but in summer it's more hotter.
I love this place the most.
I went there once a week cos it took me an hour to go there.
This is the best place for me.